Monday, October 29, 2007


I know many of you have been wondering why I did a post over a month ago, and then haven't done anything since?? The camera had been lost now for almost two weeks. I just wasn't asking the right people, because when I finally mentioned it being lost to Ron, he knew right where it was!!

This coming weekend (Nov. 2nd and 3rd) is State Volleyball and the semi-final game for football. Hopefully I can keep track of the camera and get some good pictures of the kids in their games. I'll try not to let another month pass before I get another post done.


This is Trey on his way to school for "Crazy Hair Day".
I just thought he looked so darn cute, I couldn't resist posting it!!


Alvin & Jessica Pease said...

Trey is such a Stud! i love that kid to death. and miss his kisses!!!!

Anonymous said...

SOOOOO glad you found the camera. Love the hair-do Trey. =) Too funny!

The Austin Family said...

Trey's da man!!! I love it. Figures Ron knew where it was. Sounds like you communicate like Patrick and I.

Anonymous said...

I love that you are blogging (Im gonna say that every time, cuz its true) Your the cutest Grandma ever!

Kristal said...

You have the cutest family. I can't believe I used to babysit them and now they are getting married and having kids of thier own! Crazy stuff. Hope you all are well.
Kristal Greer Joy